
To live and let others live the Easter experience. To be in the Church as signs of Easter and to bring all peoples to the faith in Risen Lord.


The living passion to proclaim the good news to all peoples especially those who do not know it yet. To live concretely this mission we give creative expressions through various apostolic actions making it a powerful channel for evangelization. Involving actively in pastoral and catechetical ministry, health care, educational and developmental efforts, social work etc, we aim at the building up of Gods kingdom in the lives of all, with a special attention to nonchristians and poor and the marginalized.

The charity of Christ, welcomed with an open heart, changes us, transforms us, renders us capable of loving not according to human measure, always limited, but according to the measure of God.
- Pope Francis

The Eucharist communicates the Lord's love for us:a love so great that it nourishes us with Himself; a freely given love, always available to every person who hungers and needs to regenerate his own strength.
- Pope Francis

We are not isolated and we are not Christians on an individual basis, each one on his or her own, no, our Christian identity is to belong. We are Christians because we belong to the Church.
- Pope Francis

The heart of the wise man has a taste and savour for God. Everything in them speaks of God and becomes a beautiful and living sign of his presence and of his love.
- Pope Francis

The forgiveness that the Lord grants us must be celebrated as the Father did in the parable of the prodigal son when the son returned home he ordered a feast forgetting all his sins.
- Pope Francis

Lent, dear brothers and sisters, is the opportune time to look within ourselves, to understand our truest spiritual needs and to ask the Lord's help in prayer
- Pope Francis

Human rights risk being ignored when they are robbed of their transcendent foundation ie. When people forget that God is the guarantor of mans true development.
- Pope Benedict XVI

God is not solitude, but perfect communion. For this reason the human person, the image of God, realizes himself or herself in love, which is a sincere gift of self.
- Pope Benedict XVI

The source of love is God Himself, infinite mercy and eternal love.
- Pope Benedict XVI

The whole of life shall be pervaded by profound love of God and love of others.
- Pope Benedict XVI

Music is a part of all cultures and accompanies every human experience.
- Pope Benedict XVI

The Church exists to proclaim the message of hope to the whole humanity.
- Pope Benedict XVI

The source of love is God himself, infinite mercy and eternal love.
- Pope Benedict XVI

Remain, my dear brethren,chosen by Christ himself in order to be, through him, salt of the earth and light of the world.
- Pope Benedict XVI

Every generation has the task of engaging anew in the arduous search for the right way to order human affairs.
- Pope Benedict XVI

For Christians, truth has a name: God. And goodness has a face: Jesus Christ
- Pope Benedict XVI

Serving, and in so doing giving oneself; existing not for oneself but for others, on behalf of God and in view of God: this is the innermost core of Jesus Christs mission and at the same time the true essence of his priesthood.
- Pope Benedict XVI

Gods power is fully expressed in weakness, in the poverty of those who entrust themselves to Him and place their hope in Him alone.
- Pope Benedict XVI

The God who made Himself close to us, does not abandon us in or after death but keeps a place for us and gives us eternity.
- Pope Benedict XVI

It is necessary to witness concretely that respect for life is the first form of justice to apply.
- Pope Benedict XVI

Life is always a precious gift; every time we witness its beginnings we see the power of the creative action of God who trusts man and thus calls him to build the future with the strength of hope.
- Pope Benedict XVI

The person who trust in the Lord does not fear the adversities of life, or the inevitable reality of death; he is the person who has acquired a wise heart.
- Pope Benedict XVI

God knows and loves the whole of the human being, and He welcomes into His eternity what is developing and becoming now in our life made up of suffering and love, of hope, joy and sorrow.
- Pope Benedict XVI

About Us

The Missionary Congregation of the Daughters of St. Thomas is originally established in Pala, Kerala, India to assist in the works of evangelization of the Church. The primary aim is to work to implant and strengthen the kingdom of God in souls and to extend it to every land especially where the Word of God has not yet been heard. Deriving inspiration from St. Thomas the Apostle who put into practice his avowed readiness "to go and die with Him" -which is the motto of DST; the members of the Congregation are envisaged to have the apostolic zeal of the Fa ...

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